At one of my favorite online fishing holes, The North American Fly Fishing Forum, there's a thread where folks are posting their favorite photograph of 2010. Never one to pass up the opportunity to veg out in front of the computer and look at pictures - even my own - I spent an hour or so wandering through my library for this past year.
While picking out a single favorite for the year was incredibly difficult, my focus kept returning to the image above - a sunrise shot, looking east across Lake Jordan through the windshield of the truck, taken as I headed out for a day chasing speckled trout and redfish with my buddy Troy. Technically, it's far from my best, but it's an image that speaks to me at some base level of the promise and beauty of a new day.
And the image of such a dawning is certainly appropriate here today, the first day of a new year. 2011 sits on the horizon, bright with potential and I, as I was that day, am moving towards yet another adventure, or series of them, with great excitement and anticipation.
Here's hoping that today's dawn looks just as bright to you and that you and yours are moving towards a very Happy New Year.
2010 was good and we haven't screwed up 2011 too much yet...so here is to a new year of top notch fishing, photography and prose. Your blog is a treasure, I'm always excited to see a new post.
Keep it coming Mike.
Mike, Happy New Year to you! Hope the horizon of 2011 brings many great adventures and much success!!
Wow, I think I shed a tear. Seriously Mike, great stuff. Here's to a righteous 2011.
I dig the photo. Great stuff as always.
Stunning colours. Imagine if you were sitting in your lounge room watching TV. You'd miss that beauty.
Thanks for sharing!
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