Happy New Year!
Yeah. I know. Two weeks ago. But things have gotten off to a slow start around here. We came home from holiday travels with a three-week creeping coughing crud and the Dixie temps have tumbled ridiculously into the single digits, freezing our ambition into inert little cubes that are just now beginning to thaw. So, for us, 2014's just getting going.
And key to getting it going is getting back on the water. This year, instead of my traditional annual kickoff wade in some chilly Appalachian trout stream, I wandered east to find a warm coastal breeze and to wave a 7wt at a few North Carolina puppy drum. (I usually call them redfish, but the locals refer to them as drum and consider anyone using the 'r' word a bit prissy; just a half-step above those twice-a-year visiting Salt Lifers.) Whatever you call them, we put a couple of nice ones into the skiff along with a passel of rats and a spec or three. More importantly, we got the fishing year rolling with brilliant barrier island skies, silky smooth salt creeks, and stunning southern sunsets.
So bear with me as I shake off the chill and begin to warm things up around here once again. It should be an interesting year to come, so have a little patience. We'll get rolling in earnest soon.

Rolling, now that 2014'a finally off the ground and onto the water.
Happy not-so-New Year!
Ugh, totally jealous.
Wishing you the best in your endeavors in 2014, Mike. Good to hear you got over the "Creeping Crud".
These pictures were taken a while ago? Does that make this time lapse photography?
As you should be, Kevin. :-)
On the mend, finally. Thanks Mel. And may your 2014 ponds be many and full of fat bass, buddy.
These pictures were taken this past Monday, Tom. By Tuesday the rain had moved in and we still managed to get a full day on the water. GoreTex is a wonderful thing.
Gorgeous waterscapes Mike!I'm heading to the Bogue Banks (Emerald Isle Area)this June after a few years away. I didn't need more motivation... but now I've got it.
Mind if I pick your brain for some NC inshore fishing beta when it gets closer?
Matt, these shots were taken not far off the west end of Emerald Isle, so you'll be in the neighborhood! And absolutely. When the time comes, pick away!
Seems many of us ol' bloggers are moving slowly in 2014 -- can't be that we're getting older... nope.
Glad you are feelin' better. And Happy New Year! :)
It's been that kind of year, Nancy. Glad you're back from your sabbatical. Off to a great start!
Glad to get 2013 over with and looking forward to a happy healthy 2014 for anyone over the age of 55.
Amen, brother. Glad to have you back. Hope the new plumbing gets you back at 'em in a big way in 2014.
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