First fish on the new fly rod
Yes, yet another stick in the closet
Bought for Lone Star puppy drum, but worked quite nicely here
Sixteen inches of Haw River bucketmouth
Don't let the perspective fool you
They always look smaller
Damn camera
9ft 7wt TFO BVK
The cork still shiny and bright
That won't last
Breaking in a new fly rod
Breaking in a new bass fishing season
Breaking in a new year on my home waters
A year very different from the past

Yes, yet another stick in the closet
Bought for Lone Star puppy drum, but worked quite nicely here
Sixteen inches of Haw River bucketmouth
Don't let the perspective fool you
They always look smaller
Damn camera
9ft 7wt TFO BVK
The cork still shiny and bright
That won't last
Breaking in a new fly rod
Breaking in a new bass fishing season
Breaking in a new year on my home waters
A year very different from the past

A nice way to start the bass season. The fish doesn't look any less than 16"... not bad for a first fish for a new rod.
Lovely fish, nice rod.
Oh man I can't wait to go bass fishing. I have 2 rods to break in, one of 'em glass!
Mike, I'm jealous.
Great fish, especially for this time of the year.
I always look at the hand holding the fish, gives away the length of the fish.
Those river largemouth can be quite sleeker than their lake cousins. Near 50 mid week Illinois way. I may have to go hit a creek.
Very nice Mike. I have a 6 weight BVK and really like it too. Hope you catch many more on that rod in the future.
Extremely jealous of both the new rod and the catch. Still,iced over here. Fishing is maybe a month away. Great catch, great prose.
Thanks guys! It was a good week on the Haw. Sadly, the temps dropped and we got our first (only?) snow this year so things should slow for a bit. Spring is coming, though...
And Ken, great observation on the slim fish. You don't find chubby bass in the river. River bass are lean and strong, not obscene football shapes. A river bass kicks an equivalent length pond bass' ass, every time.
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